First always ensure your safety by looking up hill to spot any skiers or potential threats from falling environmental items (snow, rocks, or ice).
It helps to chop out a small ledge just below knee level uphill to place your skis when your putting them on. Place your skis and poles above the ledge you created by driving them tail first into the snow as deeply as you can or up to the heel piece. This secures them and gives you something to hold onto. When your ready begin with your down hill ski.
Place the ski on the ledge you created perpendicular to the slope and drive the tail into the snow at a slight angle. The binding should be centered on your down hill knee. Now hold onto the other ski and use it for balance as you step up and onto the downhill positioned ski. Remember always start with the downhill ski.
The process is reversed in order to remove your skis on steep terrain. Remember Down hill ski first when put-on on you r skis, and down hill last when removing you skis.
Pro tip: Practice removing your skins and switching into ski mode without removing your skis, this prevents the possibility of losing a ski. Be careful though it's easy to lose your balance during this maneuver so get it dialed on the flats first!
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